1:1 Information
Gavin Bell, School Technician: bellg@gcs.k12.nc.us
To Do:
All students receive a Chromebook to use at school and at home. In order to receive the Chromebook the following steps must be completed prior to the first day of school:
All Students > New & Returning:
You can do this on your own Internet-connected device or smart phone, or if you need assistance, you can come to the school to complete them. We will have staff on hand to assist you during orientation if you wish to complete your Chromebook paperwork during that time, however, we encourage all families to complete it prior to orientation in order to avoid long lines.
Chromebook Rules
Safety Conscious:
I will protect my personal information.
I will not share my password with others.
I will not use my Chromebook in the cafeteria, bathroom, or on the bus.
Open Minded:
I will maintain a can-do attitude and give my best effort on each assignment.
I will not use technology to bully or tease other people.
I will protect others and myself by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate content.
Always Prepared:
I will charge my Chromebook each night and bring my charger to school each day.
I will bring earbuds to school each day.
I will be sure I understand the expectations for each assignment before beginning.
Respectful and Responsible:
I will use my device for educational purposes.
I will close and log off my device when not in use.
I will not walk around with my Chromebook open.
I understand that this device is the property of Granville County Public Schools.